Order by email: corporate@bbus.ru
Aside from rent of minibuses and buses, we can offer the services of our friendly company for organizing various kinds of events.
The best specialists of the "MAGI" agency will free you from having to spend time and nerves on their preparation.
They organize any holiday both in Russia and abroad. Will issue rent of country platforms, motor ships, necessary equipment, clubs, scenic designs. Provide professional leading, write a script for each individual holiday, invite a pop-rock band and alternative performers. Show programs and artists of various genres will not make anyone miss the guests who came to you on holiday. Sand, ice, fire show, show "Brazilian carnival", the passage of "quest" games and the "army" of untiring animators for your children - that's the minimum list of services that can be implemented by this company.
Call the company "MAGI" and say that you learned about their activities in the company "BusinessBas", and get a 30% discount on all services provided!